You go to church, you sing the songs but you don’t really feel a connection? Christianity is starting to feel less like a relationship and more like a religion. You dust off your bible from 10-12pm for church but then it’s back in the closet until next week. You want to do better, you really do. But there is always something that gets in the way of you spending time with God. You might be suffering from Sunday Christian Syndrome.

It’s almost as if having a relationship with God is easier when you’re going through a stormy season. It’s easier to make sure you are always praying and staying close to him when he is all you have to cling on to. But then the storm is over and you feel yourself slowly drifting away, making less time.


 We are so quick to ask God where he is, but what we fail to realise is that God has never moved. His only concern has ever been us. He has always wanted the best for us. Nothing is able to take his mind off of us. But can we say the same? Or have concerns of money, jobs and other distractions taken your mind off of God?

‘If a tree fell in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?’

When you are far away from God, it is hard to feel the benefits of his love. It will feel as though he is not there at all when in actually fact you are just too far away to feel it!

Sometimes after passing through a storm it’s like we tell God: ‘It’s alright I can take it from here” through our actions. He becomes less of a priority and more of an after-thought. Any relationship requires effort whether things are good or bad. We need to remember that we need God in the small details of our lives just as much as during the big storms of our lives. The closer we stay to God during the calmer seasons, the easier it will be to hold on to him during the storm.

‘’I will keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand I will not be shaken.”

– Psalm 16:8-

By keeping God at your right hand you can never be shaken by the storm because he becomes your first contact for help, rather than your last resort.

Remember that there is no right way to have a relationship with God, but when your relationship with God is beginning to feel like a religion, shake the Sunday Christian Syndrome by taking a step back and analysing Gods position in your life.

With love always,

Temi xx

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