Your Story Can Change at Any Moment…

No one tells you how quick the post uni depression hits. As soon as you graduate people are asking you, what are you doing next? Oh how I wish I had the answer.

Things have not gone smoothly for me I have to admit. My last two years of uni were full of obstructions that I honestly didn’t think I was even going to graduate the way things were going. Study engineering they said. You’ll find a job easily they said. I’m here to tell you that is very incorrect. As I’m writing this I am currently still on the search for one and have had a mountain of rejections that have made me question everything. I’ve questioned my my worth, the strengths I thought I had and even God.

It’s times like this that can have you feeling like there is no way out of your situation. Feeling like you can’t see light at the end of the tunnel. A sense of hopelessness and just feeling like there is no point and I should just quit while I’m ahead. But if you’re like me you’ve probably been in situations like this many of times, but nevertheless you still need this reminder:

Your Story Can Change at ANY Moment

I know it’s hard but you have to keep showing up. One of the only upsides Twitter is you can really see how someone’s circumstances can change in a moment and I’m sure they didn’t wake up thinking it would happen that day. I often refer to this image:

This image has gotten me through a lot in my life. Life often feels like a long tunnel where we’re just waiting for everything to click and make sense. There’s always that uncertainty of whether the path we’re on is the right one and whether everything will fall into place. This image reminds me why I have to keep going. I haven’t gotten to the place where everything makes sense or where I see why everything happened the way it did. But I know I will get there if I keep going.

Gods favour is in EVERY environment!

Did you know that Joseph being in prison showed Gods favour in his life? The punishment for Joseph’s alleged crime in those times was death. So the fact that he was even in prison was a sign that God was working!! To the outside world and maybe even to Joseph this it May have looked like God abandoned him but it was actually a testament to the fact God had a plan for all the trials that Jospeh went through.

Changing your perspective: you are in the best place for a miracle!!

If you read my blog posts a lot you’ll know how important changing your perspective is. When I’m in these seasons of uncertainty my favourite thing to say to myself is I’m in the best place for a miracle!! God does amazing things when it feels like there’s no way out! I find comfort in knowing that in uncertain seasons the end testimony will be sweet!

Isaiah 43:19 says: “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Use this as an opportunity to strengthen your faith; increase your discipline and perseverance; and learn how to praise God when things are hard!

So hang in there! You will get through this season your moment of breakthrough is coming!

With love always,

Temi xx



Recently I got the chance to visit Dubai. While at the top of Burj Khalifa it was amazing to see how small everything became, simply from being higher up. I couldn’t help but wonder is this how God must feel looking down at us. Things that were so large when on the ground suddenly become so small and looked so meaningless. A car that’s bigger than me suddenly looked like a toy:


Imagine how the things we describe as problems must look to God. It must be so frustrating to see us worry over such small things simply because we cannot see the perspective God is looking at us from.

Imagine if we could change our perspective from a human understanding and comprehension and move a bit higher up to a God angle.

From human view, all we can see is what is in front of us and what we have left behind. However, from God’s view he can see what we can become.

If we could see the victory that lies ahead, I am sure just like God it would be easier for us to move on from our mistakes and not to get discouraged by our imperfections because from Gods angle it has no comparison to what we can become.

We all have a tendency to go back go to a place of comfort and stagnancy. Simply because our view is restricted.  Just take the Israelites. At a point they believed it would have been easier to remain in bondage all because they could not see where God was taking them.

What if we could look beyond where we are now and just believe that God is taking us somewhere beyond our imagination.

A few things I have learned:

Our feelings do not always match the reality of the situation. If we put too much trust in our feelings to guide us, it may cause us to make irrational decisions. Taking a step back to actually analyse the situation may result in us taking a different approach.

One thing about this life is that every event, situation and period in our life produces an opportunity for us to learn and evolve. Instead of focusing on the negative side of difficult situations, change your perspective to see what you could possibly learn from it.

Change your perspective from always focusing on your limitations and start focusing on your potential.

If you’re always focusing on what you can’t do, you’ll never discover what you were born to do.

It’s time to start seeing things how God sees things.

With love always,

Temi xx