At my local connect group (a meeting with my church family) we started talking about what are some things that we may miss in ourselves that others may see. It was a beautiful experience that made me realise how subtle the holy spirit can work in us. Recently I have been going through a phase where I had begun to question Gods presence in my life and compare myself to those who had a greater spiritual experiences such as speaking in tongues.

But at connect I realised God likes to work subtly sometimes. Just because you’re not casting out demons, speaking in tongues or walking on water does not mean God is not using you. God is still working through you. There is a purpose to our personality that God wants to use.

It could be as subtle as your gentle spirit, your hospitality, your strength that helped you overcome a struggle.

Often, we are too busy paying to attention to other people looking after their gardens that we don’t notice the seed God has placed in our hands. We are always looking for more rather than appreciating what God has already given us.

We need to trust our walk with God and be more sensitive to our environment and even our personality traits. Reflect on the reasons why you went through what you did how this made you as a person, look at what you are passionate about. These are all things that others could learn from.

We forget that God can use even our personality to change people’s life. Someone needs what you have to offer. For example, your caring nature may seem insignificant to you but it’s that same nature that could potentially be a light in someone’s life who really needs it.

It can be hard trying to discover our purpose, as some are not as easy to identify as others. But maybe it’s not as hard as we think it is. It might be as simple as using what comes so naturally to us – being ourselves to be a blessing onto others.

Jenny Giplin said “we underestimate the uniqueness of our calling” Not only this, I think we underestimate how and why God made us the way we are and how necessary it is for our purpose. There are certain people that you are meant to influence purely based on your nature that God is only giving you access to.

Embrace every part of you the parts your proud of and the parts you’re not so proud of. Being yourself is so important. It is that authenticity that God wants to use to lead people back to him. Use the little you think God has given you to impact someone’s life and see where it takes you.

With love,

Temi xx


If you look to the world to find yourself, you will forever be lost. We tend to look for solutions in the wrong places, and then wonder why we don’t get the answers we desire. In John 17:16 Jesus tells us that we are not of the world. So, it is impossible to find whatever answers you are looking for in the world.

The world can only promise us temporary happiness, temporary peace and temporary pleasures. There is more to life than what this world can offer us.

So, what are you thirsty for? Is it love? Are you trapped in an endless cycle of giving your heart to people only for it to get broken time and time again? Are you lost? Do you desire purpose for your life or are you trying to understand where life is trying to take you? Are you sad? Are you looking for happiness that will never be taken away from you?

“Whoever drinks from the water I give them, shall never be thirsty again.”

John 4:14

We need to look within ourselves, where Jesus is, to find what we are looking for. Jesus can fill every hole; He can light up every dark space with his light. All we have to do is let him in. Let him know what you’re struggling with. Let him know what’s missing in your life. Let him know what you are thirsty for. The blessings that God gives us is something that no one can take away from us. The beauty of Jesus is that he takes the little we have to give whether that be hurt, shame even guilt and turns it into something great.

If you have any questions, need any advice or just someone to talk to, feel free to email me at

With love,

Temi xx