Recently I got the chance to visit Dubai. While at the top of Burj Khalifa it was amazing to see how small everything became, simply from being higher up. I couldn’t help but wonder is this how God must feel looking down at us. Things that were so large when on the ground suddenly become so small and looked so meaningless. A car that’s bigger than me suddenly looked like a toy:


Imagine how the things we describe as problems must look to God. It must be so frustrating to see us worry over such small things simply because we cannot see the perspective God is looking at us from.

Imagine if we could change our perspective from a human understanding and comprehension and move a bit higher up to a God angle.

From human view, all we can see is what is in front of us and what we have left behind. However, from God’s view he can see what we can become.

If we could see the victory that lies ahead, I am sure just like God it would be easier for us to move on from our mistakes and not to get discouraged by our imperfections because from Gods angle it has no comparison to what we can become.

We all have a tendency to go back go to a place of comfort and stagnancy. Simply because our view is restricted.  Just take the Israelites. At a point they believed it would have been easier to remain in bondage all because they could not see where God was taking them.

What if we could look beyond where we are now and just believe that God is taking us somewhere beyond our imagination.

A few things I have learned:

Our feelings do not always match the reality of the situation. If we put too much trust in our feelings to guide us, it may cause us to make irrational decisions. Taking a step back to actually analyse the situation may result in us taking a different approach.

One thing about this life is that every event, situation and period in our life produces an opportunity for us to learn and evolve. Instead of focusing on the negative side of difficult situations, change your perspective to see what you could possibly learn from it.

Change your perspective from always focusing on your limitations and start focusing on your potential.

If you’re always focusing on what you can’t do, you’ll never discover what you were born to do.

It’s time to start seeing things how God sees things.

With love always,

Temi xx



To reduce love to just an emotion would be to completely underestimate its power, purpose and capabilities.

When we think of love we automatically think of an emotion or feeling. But if we look at the definition of an emotion and feeling:

“A strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.”

“An emotional state or reaction”

This shows that emotions are dependent. Therefore they are temporary. They can be easily swayed or altered by circumstances, people or your environment. There is no way that these definitions can sum up the way God loves us. Think about all the times we are unfaithful and disobedient to God. Surely if love was based on this there is no way we would have any chance of salvation.

The love God has for us has to be more than this. It has to mean more than this.  It can’t be just an emotion. The emotion would not have the power or the capacity to save us no matter what we’ve gone through or done.

There are some things we need to understand about God’s love that are omitted if we just see love as an emotion:

  • Nothing can separate us from God’s love

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39

Literally nothing can separate us from God’s love. God’s love isn’t based on circumstances, there is nothing you can do that will separate you from God’s love. We need to remember this in situations. God doesn’t love like the world teaches us to love. No good thing or bad thing can make him love you anymore or any less.

There is a common misconception of how sin affects our relationship with God.

The consequence of Sin is not a reduction of God’s love but it is a reduction of God’s presence.

When you move away from God’s presence this removes you from his light. When you are away from God’s light you allow darkness in. Darkness invites shame and guilt which invites more darkness. If you understand that God still loves you no matter what, you will find it easier to come back to him because you know that you are coming back to a loving God.

  • Perfect love casts out all fear:

One thing that prevents us from coming back to God is because we don’t understand his love. If we don’t know that we are coming back to a loving God, we can be afraid to come back out of fear of condemnation, being judged etc. But if we truly understand and accept God’s love in our life we will know that:

“Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.’

1 John 4:18

I’m not sure if we could ever understand the capacity of God’s love. Sometimes I wonder how God could love me so much. I’m sure I’m not the only one. But I think we need to stop questioning why we are worthy and just trust and believe God’s word that tells us we are worthy.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”

Mark 12:30-31

There must be a reason why Jesus said out of all the commandments this was the greatest one. There must be a great power in loving God.

I would encourage you to read 1 John 4. Once we understand God’s love we can begin to reciprocate this onto ourselves and onto others which is the next greatest commandments that Jesus told us about. I will be covering these later on.

If you would like to discuss any of these further, feel free to send me a message!

With love always,

Temi xx