Between the Before and After Picture…

Do you ever get lost in transformations pictures? Like you’re really happy for the person but you’re just really wishing it could be that simple for you? “I lost 50pounds in 3 months!” “I just ate healthy and exercised and voila!” You look at their before and after weight loss pictures and just hope if you close your eyes long enough that maybe just maybe it will magically happen to you? 

I posted my weight loss “transformation” 2 years ago. I would have loved to say that all the weight stayed off and life was smooth sailing after that. I really thought that’s what would happen. I thought once I lost weight all my problems will be solved. I would look good and feel good but after a recent weight gain, I was just full of resentment towards myself. I found myself looking at other people’s weight loss transformation pictures more and more and I just didn’t understand why couldn’t it be that simple for me? Why didn’t I reach my goal? Why is it taking me so long to get it together? 

I realised that so much gets lost in between the before and after picture. Even in my own. You don’t see the amount of times that person quit. You don’t see the days they fell off. You don’t see the amount of times they tried to lose weight before they were successful. You don’t see what lies ahead for them. 

If you’re struggling on your weightloss journey right now I want you to know you’re not alone. It’s not easy for everyone. Maybe you’re not like the others who get it together in 3months or 6 months or even a year. And so what? Stop comparing yourself to others. You are more than what you look like on the outside. You’re so much deeper than that. Just keep showing up everyday. Strive to reach your goals. You’ll get it right most days and some days won’t be perfect. And that’s okay. If weight loss has taught me anything it’s how important it is to forgive yourself! 

Although I’m not where I want to be, I’m not who I used to be. I’m learning to be okay with that and celebrate the small victories along the way, while I get to the large milestones! 

If you need support in your weightloss journey feel free to message me I would love to help! 

With love always,

Temi xx